Welcome to the SED Group
Clients Only




SED Group provides customized inspections utilizing state-of-the-art web-based technology, experienced inspectors, and an excellent team of office personnel to provide our clients with invaluable information about their education is provided to our inspetors, staff and associates. We provide several different types of inspections and can apply oour company skills to your unique situations.

Initial Home Inspections
SED Group completes inspections within a reasonable and agreed amount of time. We then provide our customers with a detailed report of the findings and conditions of the property including photographs after the inspections. In addition to a complete home inspection, we also provide the services listed below.

Services We Provide



Foreclosure Inspection

Property Inspection


Occupancy Determination



Maintenance Inspection

Damage Inspection


Compliance Inspection

Compliance Inspection


Bankruptcy Inspection

Site Survey


Insurance Loss Inspection









Environmental Inspections-Services
SED Group, LLC also offers a limited amount of services in the detection and abstraction of health and environmental hazards through contracted services. Our associates have the required experience and training in their area of expertise.



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©Copyright 2003 ... SED Group, LLC :: 4837 College Street, Forest Park, Georgia 30297
Mailing Address :: P. O. Box 2286, Forest Park, GA 30298
Tele 404-675-9404 :: Fax 404-675-9436