Welcome to the SED Group
Clients Only




SED Group, LLC is a company that offers a complete line of property protection and preservation services, including inspections, monitoring and maintenance. Our clients include major financial institutions and mortgage service companies. With more than six years in business we are well-equiped to handle all of your conveyance and REO requirements. We are insured with coverage in the areas of general liability and state required workmen's compensations.

We guarantee "Quality Customer Service" and have strategically placed our field office to accommodate our clients with statewide coverage. Our team members are fully trained in all aspects of:

Protection, and
Preservation of properties.

Both local and regional service is extended to institutional clients. Our comprehensive knowledge of all HUD requirements and guidelines and those of conventional lenders ensures a solid partnership with our clients because we understand that time and efficiency is important when recovering your investments.

With our state-of-the-art technology, our clients have easy, user-friendly access to the information they need, from comprehensive reports of inspections to detailed scope of work required or performed. We have the necessary capabilities to receive your work requests, send reports and invoices electronically via our web site, email or fax to ensure accurate and time processing. We will customize a program to suite the requirements of any company on any property and will do so following local, state and federal guidelines.

We guarantee job completion in the required timeframe.

Jerome Crawl
SED Group, LLC



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©Copyright 2003 ... SED Group, LLC :: 4837 College Street, Forest Park, Georgia 30297
Mailing Address :: P. O. Box 2286, Forest Park, GA 30298
Tele 404-675-9404 :: Fax 404-675-9436